Wise Funds Update – Rebrand of T Bailey Financial Services to Waystone Fund Services (UK) Limited

Investors in our funds will have received the below mailing from T.Bailey Fund Services limited (TBFS) either directly or through their investment provider/platform. TBFS are Wise Funds authorised Corporate Directive or ACD for short. Authorised Corporate Directors (ACDs) are responsible for the running of an investment fund. They have a duty to act in the best interests of the fund’s investors, and ensure that the fund is well managed in line with regulations and with the investment objectives and policies set out in its prospectus. In 2022, TBFS were acquired by Waystone Group.

TBFS are completely independent to Wise Funds and we wanted to assure you that the change mentioned below, does not impact the way we manage the investment funds.

TBFS also act as our administrator and we will be changing our documentation available on our website to reflect the name change shortly.

If you have any questions or need anything further, please do get in touch with us on 01608 695 180.

Letter to Clients….

Change of name – ACD, Company and Funds

T. Bailey Fund Services Limited, the ACD of Wise Funds Limited, was acquired by the Waystone Group in October 2022.

We wish to notify you that T. Bailey Fund Services Limited will change its name to Waystone Fund Services (UK) Limited (trading as “Waystone Management”), with effect from 1st October 2023 (the “Effective Date”). In order to ensure consistency with the change name of the ACD, the name of the Company and the Funds will change to the new names set out below with effect from the Effective Date.

Current NameNew Name
TB Wise FundsWS Wise Funds
TB Wise Multi-Asset GrowthWS Wise Multi-Asset Growth
TB Wise Multi-Asset IncomeWS Wise Multi-Asset Income

There will be no change to the investment approach or risk profiles of the Funds.

Change of name – Registrar

In addition to acting as the ACD of the Company, T. Bailey Fund Services Limited acts as the registrar of the Company (the “Registrar”). This means that the name of the Registrar is also changing to Waystone Fund Services (UK) Limited (trading as “Waystone Management”) with effect from the Effective Date. There will be no change to the location at which the Company and the Funds’ registers are maintained and available for inspection (which remains 64 St. James’s Street, Nottingham NG1 6FJ).

Change of website

With effect from the Effective Date, the information and documents in respect of the Company (including the prospectus and key investor information documents) that were available at https://www.tbaileyfs.co.uk/ will be available from https://www.waystone.com/.

Prospectus and instrument update

The prospectus and instrument of the Company will be updated to reflect the changes mentioned above. We wish to confirm that there will be no changes to the management of the Company or Funds. The share classes of the Funds will retain their existing ISIN codes.

Application forms updates and change of bank account name.

The name of the bank account into which you can make payments for the Funds (for example, when topping up your investment) is changing with effect from the Effective Date. The new name of the bank account will be included in the application forms for the Funds, which will also be updated with effect from the Effective Date, to refer to the new name of the ACD, the Company and the Funds.

If you have previously set up a Direct Debit mandate to facilitate regular payments into your investment account, the Instruction to your bank or building society to pay by Direct Debit will change to reflect the change of payee from T. Bailey Fund Services Limited to Waystone Fund Services (UK) Limited (trading as “Waystone Management”).

There will be no change to the bank accounts’ sort code and account numbers.

ISA plan documentation

If you invest in the Funds through an ISA plan managed by T. Bailey Fund Services Limited, please note that the documentation for your ISA plan (including the ISA terms and conditions) will be updated to reflect the above name change of the ISA plan manager from T. Bailey Fund Services Limited to Waystone Fund Services (UK) Limited (trading as “Waystone Management”) with effect from the Effective Date. There will be no other changes to your ISA plan investment.

The costs of implementing the above changes will be borne by the ACD.

Should you have any queries in relation to the above, please do not hesitate to contact us at clientservices@tbailey.co.uk

We thank you for your continued support of the Company.

As stated above, this letter is purely for your information and does not affect the way in which your investment is operated and managed.

Important notice:

Whilst the funds we act as investment manager for are available to retail investors via third party providers, please note that we do not have permissions from the FCA to deal directly with retail clients and the information provided on this website is for information purposes only.

If you are not an investment professional you may still wish to visit the website to find out information about Wise Funds and the funds we manage but we recommend that if you wish to obtain advice regarding the suitability of these funds for you, you should contact a financial adviser.

Applications to invest in any fund referred to on this website can only be made through a third party and must only be made on the basis of the offering documents relating to the specific investment.


I understand that this website is provided for information purposes only and does not constitute an invitation, offer or solicitation to engage in any investment activity including to buy or sell any investment. I understand that nothing contained in this website should be deemed to constitute the provision of financial, investment, tax or any other professional advice in any way.

I understand that I should refer to the fund prospectus and KIID before making any investment decisions.

I understand that the value of investments and the income from them can fluctuate (this may partly be the result of exchange rate fluctuations) and that I may not get back the full amount invested. I understand that past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.