Value tilts, inflation proofing and the private equity opportunity

Last week, FundCalibre published a podcast with Vincent Ropers Co-portfolio manager at Wise Funds, the link will direct you to their website to hear what he had to say on the Elite Rated, TB Wise Multi-Asset Growth Fund.

TB Wise Multi-Asset Growth fund manager Vincent Ropers talks us through the recent tilt towards value strategies in his portfolio amid hopes of a continued cyclical recovery. He also runs through his exposure to mining & natural resources, as well as infrastructure, and how these asset classes can help offer inflation-linked returns in these uncertain times. Vincent also discusses the attractive discounts available when accessing private equity companies in the investment trust market; and the importance of having a flexible mandate.

190. Value tilts, inflation proofing and the private equity opportunity | FundCalibre

Please note, FundCalibre are an independent rating company, who have awarded an Elite Rating to the TB Wise Multi-Asset Growth Fund.

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